Mass shootings in USA

using Pkg

using CSV,DataFrames,StatsPlots,Dates,Loess,DataFramesMeta,StatsBase,GLM

sdata ="data/FBIShooterDB.csv",DataFrame)
  Activating project at `~/Consulting/LakelandAppliedSciLLC/CriminologyGuns`

277 rows × 17 columns (omitted printing of 15 columns)

1Edgewater Technology IncWakefield
2Amko Trading StoreHouston
3Navistar International Corp.Melrose Park
4Santana High SchoolSantee
5Granite Hills High SchoolEl Cajon
6Laidlaw Transit Services Maintenance YardSan Jose
7Nu-Wood Decorative Millwork PlantGoshen
8Appalachian School Of LawGrundy
9Bertrand Products IncSouth Bend
10Tom Bradley International Terminal at LAXLos Angeles
1118 Miles of US Route 64 from Sallisaw to Roland, OKSallisaw
12Labor Ready, IncHuntsville
13Red Lion Junior High SchoolRed Lion
14Case Western Reserve University, Weatherhead School of ManagementCleveland
15Modine Manufacturing CompanyJefferson City
16Lockheed Martin Subassembly PlantMeridian
17Kanawha County Board of EducationCharleston
18Gold Leaf NurseryBoynton Beach
19Andover IndustriesAndover
20Windy City Cor Supply IncChicago
21Rocori High SchoolCold Spring
22Watkins Motor LinesWest Chester
23Columbia High SchoolEast Greenbush
24ConAgra PlantKansas City
25Radio Shack in Gateway MallSt Petersburg
26Private Property Near Meteor, WisconsinMeteor
27DaimlerChrysler’s Toledo North Assembly PlantToledo
28Best Buy in Hudson Valley MallKingston
29Living Church of GodBrookfield
30Red Lake High School and ResidenceRed Lake

The above data set was hand transcribed from the FBI PDF files available in the data directory. The original is the .ods spreadsheet file. The csv is exported from there. Please report any transcription errors you detect!

weirddates = [i for i in 2:nrow(sdata) if sdata[i,:Date] < sdata[i-1,:Date]  ]

sdata.yearmon = tuple.(year.(sdata.Date),month.(sdata.Date))
sdata.year = year.(sdata.Date)

yearmon2date(x) = Date(x[1],x[2],15)
@subset!(sdata,.! ismissing.(:NShotgun) .&& .!ismissing.(:NHandgun) .&& .!ismissing.(:NRifle) .&& .!ismissing.(:NKilled) .&& .!ismissing.(:Motive))

sdatamon = @by(sdata,
    :yearmon,:TotKilled = sum(:NKilled),:HGKilled = sum(:NKilled .* (:NHandgun .> 0 .&& :NRifle .==0 .&& :NShotgun .== 0)),
    :RifleKilled = sum(:NKilled .* (:NHandgun .== 0 .&& :NRifle .> 0 .&& :NShotgun .== 0)),
    :ShotgunKilled = sum(:NKilled .* (:NHandgun .== 0 .&& :NRifle .== 0 .&& :NShotgun .> 0)),
    :MixedKilled = sum(:NKilled .* ( (:NHandgun .> 0 .&& :NRifle .== 0 .&& :NShotgun .> 0) .|| 
                                     (:NHandgun .> 0 .&& :NRifle .> 0 .&& :NShotgun .== 0) .|| 
                                     (:NHandgun .== 0 .&& :NRifle .> 0 .&& :NShotgun .> 0) .||
                                     (:NHandgun .> 0 .&& :NRifle .> 0 .&& :NShotgun .> 0))),
    :EdDeaths = sum(:NKilled .* (:LocType .== "Education")),
    :CommDeaths = sum(:NKilled .* (:LocType .== "Commerce")),
    :GovDeaths = sum(:NKilled .* (:LocType .== "Government")),
    :DWDeaths = sum(:NKilled .* (:Motive .== "Disgruntled Worker")),
    :DSDeaths = sum(:NKilled .* (:Motive .== "Disgruntled Student")),
    :RelDeaths = sum(:NKilled .* (:Motive .== "Relationship")),
    :PubShoots = sum(:NKilled .* (:Motive .== "Public Shooter")),
    :PubShootsHG = sum(:NKilled .* (:Motive .== "Public Shooter" .&& :NRifle .== 0 .&& :NShotgun .== 0 .&& :NHandgun .> 0)),
    :PubShootsRi = sum(:NKilled .* (:Motive .== "Public Shooter" .&& :NRifle .> 0)),
    :ShootCountHG = sum(:NHandgun .> 0 .&& (:NRifle .+ :NShotgun) .== 0),
    :ShootCountAll = length(:NKilled))

sdatamon.Year = getindex.(sdatamon.yearmon,1)

Using Summary Tables

There are a variety of interesting summaries of the data. By grouping by month in sdatamon we can look at cumulative totals, rates of change, split by types etc.

For example, we can compare how many people were killed with each type of weapon.

p = @df sdatamon plot(map(yearmon2date,:yearmon),cumsum(:HGKilled),label="Handguns",legend=:topleft,title="Killings via Various Armaments")
@df sdatamon plot!(map(yearmon2date,:yearmon),cumsum(:MixedKilled),label="Mixed")
@df sdatamon plot!(map(yearmon2date,:yearmon),cumsum(:RifleKilled),label="Rifles")
@df sdatamon plot!(map(yearmon2date,:yearmon),cumsum(:ShotgunKilled),label="Shotguns")

Another interesting question is how does the motivation/type of event break down. We see that while a steady stream of disgruntled workers, students, and ex-husbands commit murder at an approximately constant rate, there has been a much more serious exponential type rise in public shooting deaths over the timeperiod.

p = @df sdatamon plot(map(yearmon2date,:yearmon),cumsum(:DWDeaths),label="Disgruntled Worker Deaths",legend=:topleft,title="Killings by Motivation/Type",ylab="Cumulative Deaths")
@df sdatamon plot!(map(yearmon2date,:yearmon),cumsum(:DSDeaths),label="Disgruntled Student Deaths")
@df sdatamon plot!(map(yearmon2date,:yearmon),cumsum(:RelDeaths),label="Relationship Deaths")
@df sdatamon plot!(map(yearmon2date,:yearmon),cumsum(:PubShoots),label="Public Shootings")

p = @df sdatamon plot(map(yearmon2date,:yearmon),cumsum(:PubShootsHG),label="Handgun Only Public Killings",legend=:topleft,title="Public Killings by Weapon",ylab="Cumulative Deaths")
p = @df sdatamon plot!(map(yearmon2date,:yearmon),cumsum(:PubShootsRi),label="Rifle+ Public Killings")

p = @df sdatamon plot(map(x -> Date.(x[1],x[2],15),:yearmon),log.(cumsum(:PubShoots)),title="log(Public Shootings)",legend=false)

The exponential growth is not just exponential growth in victim count, but actually shows near exponential growth in event count, with Handgun only events making up a nearly constant 60% or so of all events.

p = @df sdatamon plot(map(yearmon2date,:yearmon),cumsum(:ShootCountAll),label="All Events",title="Cumulative Event Count",legend=:topleft)
@df sdatamon plot!(map(yearmon2date,:yearmon),cumsum(:ShootCountHG),label="Handgun Events")

p = @df sdatamon plot(map(yearmon2date,:yearmon),log.(cumsum(:ShootCountAll)),label="All Events",title="log(Cumulative Event Count)",legend=:topleft)
@df sdatamon plot!(map(yearmon2date,:yearmon),log.(cumsum(:ShootCountHG)),label="Handgun Events")

p = @df sdatamon plot(map(yearmon2date,:yearmon),cumsum(:ShootCountHG) ./ cumsum(:ShootCountAll),label="Fraction Handgun",title="Fraction of Events that are Handgun Only",legend=false)


Where do events occur?

Although School shootings get the most press, in fact most active shooter events take place at commerce locations such as malls, big box stores, restaurants, and similar.

p = @df sdatamon plot(map(yearmon2date,:yearmon),cumsum(:CommDeaths),label="Commerce",legend=:topleft,title="Killings by Location")
@df sdatamon plot!(map(yearmon2date,:yearmon),cumsum(:EdDeaths),label="Education")
@df sdatamon plot!(map(yearmon2date,:yearmon),cumsum(:GovDeaths),label="Government")

Thankfully, most events involve less than 10 people dead. And there are not obvious differences in the distribution of deaths by firearm type. The three highest death count events are the Las Vegas shooting at the Harvest music festival (58 dead), the Orlando Nightclub Shooting (49 dead), and the Virginia Tech shooting (32 dead). The Las Vegas shooting involved many weapons but principally semi-automatic rifles, the Orlando shooter was armed with both a semi-automatic rifle and a semi-automatic pistol, and the Virginia Tech shooter was armed with 9mm and 22LR handguns. Although the extreme events get the most attention, in the bulk of the distribution, there are not clear reasons to think that one or another type of firearm conveys an advantage to the shooter.

p = histogram(sdata.NKilled,bins=-0.5:1.0:75.5,title="Deaths Per Incident")

p = histogram(@subset(sdata,:NRifle .> 0).NKilled,bins=-0.5:1.0:75.5,title="Deaths Per Incident",label="Had Rifle",alpha=0.25,normalize=true)
histogram!(@subset(sdata,:NHandgun .> 0).NKilled,bins=-0.5:1.0:75.5,title="Deaths Per Incident",label="Had Handgun",alpha=0.25,normalize=true)
histogram!(@subset(sdata,:NShotgun .> 0).NKilled,bins=-0.5:1.0:75.5,title="Deaths Per Incident",label="Had Shotgun",alpha=0.25,normalize=true)

p = histogram(@subset(sdata,:NRifle .> 0).NKilled,bins=-0.5:1.0:75.5,title="Deaths Per Incident",label="Had Rifle",alpha=0.25,normalize=true,xlim=(0,20))
histogram!(@subset(sdata,:NHandgun .> 0).NKilled,bins=-0.5:1.0:75.5,title="Deaths Per Incident",label="Had Handgun",alpha=0.25,normalize=true)
histogram!(@subset(sdata,:NShotgun .> 0).NKilled,bins=-0.5:1.0:75.5,title="Deaths Per Incident",label="Had Shotgun",alpha=0.25,normalize=true)

How many people are killed or injured typically?

Looking at cumulative distribution functions, the vast majority of events involve fewer people killed or injured than can be generated with one of the most commonly owned firearms for example the Glock 17 handgun with two 17 round magazines.

p = @df sdata plot(ecdf(:NKilled),legend=false,title="ECDF of Death Count")

p = @df sdata plot(ecdf(:NInjured),legend=false,title="ECDF of Injured Count",xlim=(0,100))

ee = @df sdata ecdf(:NKilled .+ :NInjured)

p = plot(ee,legend=false,title="ECDF of Killed+Injured Count",xlim=(0,100),label="Total Killed + Injured")
plot!([17*2.0,17*2.0],[0.0,1.0],label="Glock + 2 Standard Magazines",legend=:bottomright)
annotate!(17*2+1,ee(17*2) - .1,text("$(round(ee(17.2)*100))% less than $(17*2) casualties",8,halign=:left))

What could cause exponential growth in public shootings?

Evidently we have near exponential growth in public shootings. What are some hypotheses about why that might be?

One way to get exponential growth is via “contagion”. By now most people are familiar with “viral videos” or re-tweets or the basic reproduction number of COVID. In this mechanism whenever one person commits an event, it convinces on average a little more than 1 more person to commit an event within the next short time period. This is sometimes called “Mass Shooting Contagion”.

Although there can be no question that some of these events are motivated by desire for fame and to be like previous perpetrators (we know this due to investigations into the actions of mass shooters leading up to their event), it seems unlikely to be the sole effect leading to exponential type increases. In particular, many of the events do not involve the choice of a particularly notable location, nor do they involve apparent planning for notariety. For example the following three events transcribed from the FBI list which are somewhat “typical” and do not indicate the grandiose plans similar to the Columbine, Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook, or Las Vegas Festival events.

Economic Motives

Although individual

ginidat ="data/API_SI.POV.GINI_DS2_en_csv_v2_4333947.csv",DataFrame; skipto=6, header=5)
ginidat = ginidat[:,1:end-1] # drop meaningless final column
rename!(ginidat,Dict(Symbol("Country Name") => :Country, Symbol("Country Code") => :countrycode, 
    Symbol("Indicator Name") => :indicator, Symbol("Indicator Code") => :indicatorcode))
ginistack = DataFramesMeta.stack(ginidat,Not([:Country, :countrycode,:indicator,:indicatorcode]))
rename!(ginistack,Dict("variable" => "Year", "value" => "ginicoef"))
ginistack.Year = tryparse.(Int64,ginistack.Year)

usgini = @subset(ginistack,:countrycode .== "USA")

ginishootmon = @orderby(leftjoin(sdatamon,usgini, on = :Year),:yearmon)

@df ginishootmon scatter(:ginicoef,log.(cumsum(:PubShoots)),title="Public Shootings vs Gini")

How do suicides track active shootings

Many active shootings are explicitly a form of suicide. The shooter has no intention of surviving, and intends to lash out as their last action. If this is true, then perhaps the things that drive mass shootings also drive suicide increases of other forms? Also, mass shootings are overwhelmingly committed by male perpetrators, so we will look at male suicide rates.

suic = @select(@subset("data/who-suicide-data.csv",DataFrame; select = [:SpatialDimValueCode,:Period,:Dim1,:FactValueNumeric]), 
                        :SpatialDimValueCode .== "USA" .&& :Dim1 .== "Male"),
                        :Year = :Period, :Country = :SpatialDimValueCode, :SuicRate = :FactValueNumeric)

@df suic scatter(:Year, :SuicRate,ylab="Male Suicide/100k/yr",xlab="Year",legend=false) |> display

pubshoots = @by(sdata,:year,:ShootCount = sum(:Motive .== "Public Shooter"))

suicandshoots = leftjoin(suic,pubshoots; on = :Year => :year)

@df suicandshoots plot(:Year,:ShootCount;title="Public Shooting Counts", legend=false) |> display

p = @df suicandshoots scatter(:SuicRate, :ShootCount;xlab="Male Suicide Rate / 100k/yr",ylab="Public Shooting Count",legend=false,title="US Shooting Count vs Suicide Rate") 

suicmod = lm(@formula(ShootCount ~ 1 + SuicRate),suicandshoots)

scatter(residuals(suicmod),title="Residual Error in Linear Predictor",xlab="Data Point Number",ylab="Error in Count") |> display
